
Thursday, November 20, 2014

QuickTmExportImport (App for Trados Studio 2014)


QuickTmExportImport allows you to quickly export sdltm to tmx or import sdlxliff/ttx/tmx/itd into new sdltm files via drag-and-drop or context menu on Windows Explorer.


Release notes

  • Version released (November 26, 2014)

Operating requirements

- Trados Studio 2014


QuickTmExportImport version (zip file)QuickTmExportImport version (zip file)
*If you are using Chrome, it may block the file from being downloaded. If that happens, use a different browser or disable blocking temporarily before downloading the file.


Double-click the installer and follow the instructions provided to finish installing the application.
When the installation is complete, shortcuts are created on your desktop and in the Send to menu of Windows Explorer.

Using QuickTmExportImport

To import sdlxliff/ttx/tmx/itd into sdltm:

  1. Select sdlxliff/ttx/tmx/itd files from which you want to create sdltm.
  2. Show the context menu and select Send to > QuickTmExportImport.exe. Alternatively, drag the files onto the application’s icon on the desktop.
    The command-line interface is displayed, showing the progress of sdltm creation.
    When the operation is complete, sdltm files are created with the same names as those of the selected files.

To export sdltm to tmx:

  1. Select sdltm files to export.
  2. Show the context menu and select Send to > QuickTmExportImport.exe. Alternatively, drag the files onto the application’s icon on the desktop.
    The command-line interface is displayed, showing the progress of tmx creation.
    When the operation is complete, tmx files are created with the same names as those of the selected files.

To change export/import settings:

  1. Double-click the application’s icon on your desktop or select QuickTmExportImport.exe from Start menu.
  2. In the command-line interface that appears, respond to a series of prompts by entering appropriate values.
    The value inside the square brackets [ ] indicates the current setting.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

SegmentSearcher (plug-in for Trados Studio 2014-2019)


SegmentSearcher is a Trados Studio 2014/2015 plug-in that enables you to search through the documents opened in the Studio editor and list the matched segments in a nicely formatted html table.

Release notes

  • Version 1.1 released (November 13, 2014)
  • Version 1.1 for Trados Studio 2015 released (July 23, 2015)
  • Version 1.3 for Trados Studio 2017/2019 released (April 24, 2019)


SegmentSearcher version 1.1 for Trados Studio 2014 (zip file)
SegmentSearcher version 1.1 for Trados Studio 2015 (zip file)
SegmentSearcher version 1.3 for Trados Studio 2017/2019 (hosted on SDL AppStore)
*If you are using Chrome, it may block the file from being downloaded. If that happens, use a different browser or disable blocking temporarily before downloading the file.

Operating requirements

- Trados Studio 2014/2015/2017/2019


1. Double-click the installer and follow the instructions provided to finish installing the plug-in.
2. Start Trados Studio 2014/2015.
3. Open one or more sdlxliff documents to translate.
4. On the ribbon interface, select View –> SegmentSearcher.
The SegmentSearcher view appears at the bottom of the Studio’s editor.

Using SegmentSearcher

1. Type the text to search for in the Find what field.
2. Select the In source or In target check box.
3. Press Enter or click the Search button to start searching.


- Search for the selected text
Right-click the text selected on the editor and choose Search by SegmentSearcher from the context menu (or just press Alt + F10).
- Jump to the corresponding segment / Return to the segment where you executed the searchEach record in the search results contains a clickable segment ID that you can use to jump to the corresponding segment on the editor.
You can also return to the segment where you executed the search, simply by clicking the Return button.

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Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider (plug-in for Trados Studio 2014/2015/2017/2019)


Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider is a Trados Studio 2014-2019 plug-in that enables you to show AutoSuggest entries that match regular expressions specified. With this plug-in, you can, for example, enter a word or phrase that does not need to be translated, such as a model number or serial number, by selecting the regex-matched suggestion from AutoSuggest.

Release notes

  • Version 1.0 released (November 13, 2014)
  • Version 1.1 released (November 18, 2014) with the following improvements:
    - Added a small pop-up window (Ctrl+Shift+F12) to show all the evaluated suggestions.
    - Eliminated the need to move the active segment after adding regex entries.
  • Version 1.2 released (November 18, 2014) with the following improvements:
    - Fixed the bug of showing wrong suggestions in some cases when the active segment has been moved.
  • Version 1.4 released (December 17, 2014) with the following improvements:
    - A few bug fixes
    - Supports the use of variables in regex patterns
  • Version 1.4 for Trados Studio 2015 released (July 23, 2015)
  • CU5 for Trados Studio 2017 fixed the problem that the plugin failed to recognize numbers. (May 6, 2017)
  • The plugin is now hosted on (can be downloaded from) SDL AppStore. (May 6, 2017)


Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider version 1.4 for Trados Studio 2014-2019

Brief description of how to use Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider by Paul Filkin


  1. Double-click the installer and follow the instructions provided to finish installing the plug-in.
  2. Start Trados Studio.
  3. Open an sdlxliff document to translate.
  4. On the ribbon interface, select View –> Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider.
The Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider view appears at the bottom of the Studio’s editor.

Using Regex Match AutoSuggest Provider

  1. Select the Enabled check box and enter Description (optional), Regex Pattern, and Replace Pattern in their respective fields.
  2. Type the first letter of the word matched to show AutoSuggest entries.

Using variables

The version 1.4 or higher of the plugin supports the use of variables in regex patterns. A variable represents several pairs of source and target values defined in the Variables tab.
*The name of a variable cannot contain any symbols except _ (underscore) and cannot start with a number (0 to 9).
To use a variable in a regex pattern, enclose the variable name with # (number sign). In the following screenshot, the variable name Month is enclosed with #. In addition, remember to enclose it with parentheses when you want to reference it in the Replace Pattern field.
Currently, one regex pattern can only contain one variable.

Showing all the evaluated suggestions in a pop-up window

You can also list the suggestions in a small pop-up window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F12. Press the Up/Down key or use the mouse to select a suggestion.

If you cannot see checkboxes under the "Enabled" column...

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